What exactly will we need besides this software to get up and running?

Web Hosting
  We all need Web Hosting at an ISP if we have a website. This is where the Veizaga Cart files for your website will actually reside.
1. Host with Veizaga Software
2. Host it yourself; Server Requirements
1. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server or higher
2. Microsoft Database Support
1. Microsoft Access 2000 database included.
2. Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, 7.0, and 2000 scripts included (if needed).
3. ODBC System DSN, User DSN, and OLEDB connections supported, giving you greater flexibility when it comes to hosting. MDAC 2.6 and MSXML4 (free/recommended from microsoft.com)
4. Coming Soon: Linux, Unix, and WAP (PDA and wireless devices) support!
3. Web Browser
All web browsers such as Internet Explorer are supported!

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